



Please help us keep the parking area groomed. It is very difficult to plow when vehicles are scattered all over the lot. Also, vehicles must be moved occasionally, especially after a storm. Storage parking is only allowed in the trailer spots that were allocated by lottery. The west end of the lot is reserved for the moved snow. It has to go somewhere. Your help is greatly appreciated.

1/20 There are three vehicles in the meadow that need to be moved as soon as possible. A black Subaru, a white truck, and a green and white Ford truck.


We have a HOA evacuation plan in case of fire or other disaster. Everyone please be aware of this information. It may be winter now, but summer is coming. Please understand this is a work in progress and may change, but these basic points are important. This website should always have the most recent version. Thanks Tom!


Theft is on the rise everywhere. Everyone please keep an eye out for your neighbors. Report any suspicious activity to Summit County Sheriff 435-615-3601

Facebook Group (Unofficial)

There has now an unoficial Facebook group, Neighbors of Aspen Mountain, for Aspen Mountain friends and family members.


12/25 The most recent forecast is showing heavy snow over the next few day . Please assume the snow gate will close before the weekend. The roads are already very slick in spots. Updates will be posted as we know them.

12/24 Things are very icy up here. This is not good for our roads or water sytem.

12/24 The water line break has been fixed! It was a Christmas Miracle! Be careful around the NE end of Canejo where it turns into Sunrise Ridge. There is a large hole filled with dirt, mud and ice that might try to swallow an ATV.

12/17 There is a broken pipe somewhere on the mountain that is going to drain our tank. We are looking for it, but at this time of year repairs will be a problem.

3 p.m. The leak has been found. Best guess is it is a feeder line connecting to the main line somewhere below lots 100-102. The leak is currently isolated, but Canejo, Buck Run, and upper Sunrise Ridge will be without water very soon if they aren't already. We are going to try to restore water to the rest of the mountain later this afternoon.


No Rentals!

Just a reminder. Renting or leasing a cabin is prohibited by our CC&R.


Request from those dealing with water. Please mark your roadside shutoff so it can more easily be found in an emergency. When marking, remember the snow gets deep in the winter.


Dogs on Aspen Mountain are required to be on leash at all times. Wildlife is abundant here and it is illegal for dogs to pursue or harass protected wildlife. There can be serious consequences for your dog as well as yourself when you fail to control your pets. Please read this information about dogs and wildlife:  Dogs & Wildlife

Summit County Sheriff (435) 615-3601
Animal Control (435) 336-3985






To report criminal activity call 911 or

Summit County Sheriff:

Animal Control: